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Book Description
Teaching research methods for 25 years provided the author with insights into effective ways to engage both enthusiastic and reluctant students in the games that scientists play. Many students are challenged to learn a new language dedicated to communicating and interacting on research method topics with both rudimentary and expert scientists. Consistent with Pink's motivational research book (Drive, 2009), students excel when they have a purpose, master the knowledge base, and are given autonomy to use the information. This eBook describes the principles, concepts, and procedures for planning and conducting research. The easy to read writing style covers a broad knowledge base and integrates many of the concepts with real world empirical examples. Acquiring the functional skills necessary to become an independent, critically thinking scientist is a worthy purpose. Extensive discussions include science, variability, experimental design, statistics, and relevant rules for proceeding from sitting on the bench to being a player in science. Research methods mastery comes from intense learning of the specific information and extensive practice situations to develop expertise. Indeed, reading, writing, and reciting the rules involved in scientific problem solving, designing sound experiments, analyzing data appropriately, and examining internally valid and invalid conclusions contributes to mastery. Once students are able to apply the knowledge, write coherent reviews evaluating the literature, determine causal relationships leading to evidence-based decision-making, then autonomy is apparent. Reading and studying this research methods eBook will help you become a productive member and consumer of science.Increasing your knowledge on the rules for planning and conducting experiments is important for all types of academic majors. Students from applied physiology and kinesiology, exercise science, exercise physiology, motor behavior, sport psychology, sport management, physical therapy, and occupational therapy readily acquired and used this knowledge. This eBook focuses on causes and effects as the most important for advancing science, whereas threats to internal validity are potential confounds. Minimizing threats to internal validity should be a primary goal in selecting an appropriate experimental design as well as considering appropriate statistical analyses. Thus, engage in research methods, develop functional skills, and become fulfilled.